There are many different types of massages and all of them are beneficial in a way or another. You wonder why is Ayurvedic massage so special? Read on! Ayurvedic massage is part of the Ayurvedic healing system (there is a post about what Ayurveda is). It is a 1.5-2 hour whole-body massage, which is performed with warm herbs infused oils. Using the special massage strokes and the herbal infused oils we encourage the body cells to remove the toxins and absorb the medicated oils. The warm oil touching the skin is one of life's greatest pleasure and knowing it nourishes our skin and other organs in our beautiful body makes it more desirable. You might think 2 hours is way too long for a massage, but trust me on this one, once you are on the massage table you don't feel the time, there is only timeless calmness and when the 2 hours finished you wish it could have lasted longer. Regular massage with oils gives the skin a glow and makes it feel smooth, it also prevents the development of many skin disorders such as eczema, blisters, scabies and seborrhea. During the massage an electrochemical balance is created in the body. The body's immune system becomes strong and toxins are eliminated, longevity is naturally increased.