Family Constellations Therapy can be used for a wide variety of problems, including physical, mental, social, or spiritual issues. This therapy is based on the idea that problems get shifted through generations, making us live in a constant state of stress. When we actively examine our feelings and their origins, we allow ourselves to break out of familial patterns that cause us suffering. This method of therapy has helped several people break out of suffering that has been passed down from many generations.
This therapeutic method can help us overcome problems like:
Bad habits
Failure at work
Negative relationship patterns
Family dysfunction
Obsessive thoughts
Physical illnesses
Financial problems
Excessive guilt
You can take part in a Constellation workshop as the person seeking resolution of an issue, who is referred to as the seeker. You can also take part as a resonator/helper who could be representatives of the seeker’s family members. The facilitator or the seeker will choose amongst the helpers and place them into position as members of the individual's family. As a helper, you can gain important insights into family dynamics which can have a healing effect on your own life.
This energy work takes place in a group setting and is done one after the other with short breaks in-between and with a longer lunch break. The group stays together for as long as the Constellations last.
For seekers, if you bring an issue to work with the price is: £147
For helpers, if you are being called to be a helper for others: £30